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日本のアートシーンを発信し続けているウェブマガジン、アートスケープの英語版「アートスケープジャパン(Artscape Japan)」さんが、当館の取材記事を書いてくださいました。タイトルは「大陸への入り口:福岡アジア美術館(Gateway to the Continent: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum)」。なんだかかっこいいですね。


Fukuoka Asian Art Museum is covered by Artscape Japan, web-magazine know for its dedication to introducing Japanese art scene and artists for English language readers. The article is titled as "Gateway to the Continent: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum."

This is one of the most comprehensive articles about the museum written in English, introducing collection shows, upcoming events, and attaches many collection images. We are very happy if you could read it and visit the museum!